Monday, November 10, 2008

TPM surveys the carnage...

It is very easy to get caught up in the "echo-chamber" aspects of political blogging. This video from Talking Points Media certainly is one-sided, edited to bring up the most negative spin on where the Republican Party stands right now.

But this is still a pretty amazing video.

Readers, conservative or not, are welcome to put their 2 cents in in the comments section.


EFT said...

Hmmm...just a few thoughts to put out there:

1) If McCain had won, the same sort of video would be circulating about the Democratic party's woes.

2) The lack of leadership that CA's governor discusses is true, but, again, is the same for all losing parties. The Dems were asking that question in 2000 and 2004, since their boy wasn't sitting in the White House.

3) There's a pretty serious leadership void on the Dem side right now too. Obama wasn't the power base's pick, but they had to go with the momentum he generated. Howard Dean has just been given a pink slip, and Pelosi couldn't lead a saint to church. Makes you wonder how many people are formulating Plan Bs at this moment.

4) Aside from Zakaria and the person who used the metaphor of a circular firing squad, there was really no new thinking. And, as we all know, we want change.

BTW, do you consider me a conservative reader or something else? Inquiring minds want to know.

Scott W. said...

eft, as always, glad to get your thoughts, tho I'm flabbergasted at #3. That's OK, I get flabbergasted picking out my cereal in the morning.

I would call you an independent these days, but I'm interested in hearing how you see yourself! You have a solid conservative pedigree, I think it's safe to say. But this last election you have strayed far from the fold.

Which is just one of the amazing things about this election.

(btw, I don't disagree with your points 1 and 2. It's just that we're so much more used to the D's sitting around glumly trying to figure out what went wrong.)

(seriously, tho, if enough people on the right say Pelosi is horrible, an ineffective leader, beats kittens, etc., do we have to buy it? I'm just asking, because I think there's some evidence that the Dems are doing OK there in the House.)

The Tall Guy said...

The public is fickle and elections are moments in time. I don't buy its an enduring shift until the voters show up for two more elections showing the same patterns. While there might be some shifts in people that have not bothered to vote in the past, it remains to be seen if they continue to come out over the next 4 to 8 years. A lot can, and will change. I think 2008 was a perfect storm, and the main story line was George W. Bush got the first African Amerian president elected.