Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Thanks Mr. President, now, will you campaign against the marriage amendment in Minnesota?

In November, Minnesotans get a chance to make history by being the first state to reject a discriminatory, anti-gay marriage amendment to the state constitution. Such an amendment has never failed in a vote; it would be a sign of real progress if Minnesota changed that trend.

The GOP-controlled Legislature did an end run around the state's systems of checks and balances by pushing through two amendments that will be on this fall's ballot: one banning gay marriage, the other restricting voting access (Voter ID). I find them both to be pretty horrible laws. Minnesota has one of the most open and accessible voting systems in the country, and as a result has led the US in voter participation. The GOP is trying to change that, due to alleged voter fraud that they never seem to be able to prove beyond a handful of isolated cases.

But that's another topic. I do think Obama deserves credit for finally coming down on the side of fairness and equality for all Americans. It took too long, but there are political risks with that stance and Obama is not a big risk-taker. As others have noted, he probably just decided it was something he couldn't credibly put off any longer. (Thanks for opening your big yap and making history, Joe Biden!) I don't think gay marriage should be one of the top issues of the campaign, but I hope Obama is willing to talk about the Minnesota amendment and will urge its defeat.

For further reading check out the Minnesotans United for All Families site.

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