Tuesday, May 22, 2012

He's a little short for a Storm Trooper

The state's GOP continues to make news, with the Ron Paul Rebel Alliance creating the latest stir. ("The tighter you squeeze your fist, the more delegates will slip through your fingers.")

This amusing tho occasionally too snarky recap of the state Republican convention is a great inside look at how the party is united in hatin' libruls but not so much in other ways...

The bottom line is a Ron Paul-approved candidate won the party's endorsement to take on Amy Klobuchar for Senate (good luck with that) and the Paulites in general kind of took over the show. The author is clearly not a fan but nontheless manages to capture the moment, including a kind of sad encounter with a couple of Log Cabin Republicans. Here are a few of the better lines:

"Their fury is hard to fathom. The delegates and their families seemed like ordinary, reasonably successful middle-class people. There was a broad age range — yes, Democrats, young people were there in force and there were plenty of women, too, no matter the vaunted war against them. Some people wore suits; others came in jeans and flip-flops. Dads and moms rocked strollers in the back of the hall. They could have been an audience at a summer band concert. Oh wait, except there were no blacks. Well, almost none. I spotted two..."

"They all embraced small town life and 'Christian values' which made me feel left out, what with being Jewish and all."

"'President Paul! President Paul! President Paul,' screamed the crowd as he took the podium. That seemed beside the point since he had suspended his campaign only a few days earlier."

"Back in the hall, would-be delegates to the national convention were delivering one-minute pitches about their suitability. They were all asked whether they would support the nominee of the party. The subtextual clause would have been, if uttered, 'even if it's the hateful Romney.' Most said yes, but some laid on caveats, such as 'if he abides by the laws in Exodus' or 'if he follows the Constitution.'"

...The laws in Exodus?

Also, here's something from Daily Kos, which of course is a very liberal site, but it's one of the better big-picture explanations I've seen of what the Paul Rebellion means nationwide, with relatively little partisan sniping...

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