Tuesday, October 07, 2008

Remember the good old days, when "soft" bigotry was all we had to worry about?

With McCain and Palin stoking the "not one of us" fires amongst their followers, we are now hearing reports from various media sources of near-lynch-mob mentality at some events.

Crowd members yelling "Terrorist!" when McCain asks "Who is Barack Obama!"

A Palin supporter shouting "Kill him!" at one of her rallies. Presumably not talking about McCain.

Also at a Palin event, media members get subjected to verbal abuse, an African American media tech gets shouted at: "Sit down, boy!"


You'd think the McCain camp might want to tone it down a bit. Maybe take the opportunity of the debate tonight to remind supporters that we'll all Americans, all in this together, etc.

Then again, "classy" and "prudent" are not words we've been able to associate with the McCain campaign so far.

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