Monday, November 01, 2010

Wisconsin Swings Back

A state that had been trending blue is going to reverse itself tomorrow, if the polls are correct. Russ Feingold, a great independent/progressive voice and one of the most principled people in the Senate, will lose to ultra-pro-business newcomer Ron Johnson. Anti-government crusader Scott Walker will trounce Milwaukee mayor Tom Barrett.
Progressives will mourn the loss of Feingold, but Scott Walker’s win is a real nightmare for the people of Wisconsin. He is a true believer in downsizing government to the point where it basically ceases to function, as he has proven in his role as county executive for Milwaukee County. Expect Wisconsin’s next governor to be extremely partisan in fighting against health care reform, nixing mass transit projects, slashing education, etc. As George Bush so ably did, Walker believes government can do no good and is dead set on proving it.
Johnson on the other hand will have little power and less know-how, at least to start. He won’t help with much but other than being an R vote, probably can’t do too much harm.


Anonymous said...

I was cleaning up my bookmarks and for kicks clicked on your blog and I'll be damned if you didn't start posting again. On the Feingold thing, I'm attaching a brilliant article from an unlikely source

Scott W. said...

interesting article. Wisconsin and MN do indeed have a rich history of characters, both political and artistic.

I keep meaning to post to ModLang, if only to give my facebook friends a break. FB just makes it too easy to be obnoxious.