Monday, November 01, 2010

Waiting for the Great Leap Backwards

In thinking about tomorrow’s election, I was reminded of something someone said after George Bush’s popularity began to plummet early in his second term. “No matter who’s elected, they’re going to have such a mess to clean up they may not want the job,” the statement went.
That seems especially appropriate now. We had two elections that brought Dems to power, and people expected improvements, but the problems that had been building up over eight years—or longer—have turned out to be very tough to fix.
So here we are, poised to punish the Democrats for not fixing the mess Republicans made quickly enough, and putting Republicans back in power to mess things up a little more—or, more likely, to ensure more gridlock on the really tough problems.
Good job, American Democracy.
Hey, it’s not the end of the world. We’ve survived worse than handing power to a bunch of crazy tea-partiers who don’t know what the heck they’re talking about.
I think.

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