Thursday, August 27, 2009

Pray You Don’t Get Sick

Michelle Bachmann, who is on TV once every nine days(!) calls for prayer and fasting to stop Americans from getting a better health care system. Alrighty then.

From MinnPost:

“Bachmann repeated the myth, adopted early by Sarah Palin, that the health-care plans being debated in Congress would set up “death panels” to determine which old folks are entitled to health care. “Thank God that Sarah Palin said that,” she told the callers. ‘These are true.’

“But it was Bachmann’s fervent call to utilize prayer and fasting to beat back health-care reform efforts that was the true highlight of the call.

“That’s really where this battle will be won — on our knees in prayer and fasting,” she told the listeners. “Remember: faith without works is dead. So we’re asking you to do all of it: pray, fast, believe, trust the Lord, but also act.”

An oldie but a goodie:

“We get to choose, we get to choose…”

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