Monday, July 20, 2009

Health Care Reform - Part One

This looks to be a very eventful week for the health care reform movement. The plans that Congress and Obama have been promoting are getting some real serious pushback, and Obama’s going to have to work hard to find success in achieving serious reforms.

At the end of the day, Democrats still have a majority in both houses, so it’s likely that something will pass. Worst case scenario, I think, is that we see some serious reforms to health insurance boundaries – for example, no more canceling policies after someone got sick because of a newly-discovered “pre-existing condition.” Just reforms like that will be an improvement, and Obama may be forced to settle for small-scale improvements and declare victory.

But I would hope that the country can do better. I do know that I’m seeing a lot of lively debate among friends, some of whom believe that we’re heading down the road to socialist Armageddon if we follow Obama’s lead.

Some of this debate I’ve ignored, some of it I’ve participated in. But after a while it seems to me that there are quite a few serious issues that keep coming up. So rather than, say, go back and forth on FaceBook with a few people, I’m going to make an effort this week to post some health care reform thoughts here, and provide at least some documentation to back up those views. Feel free to comment.

This could be a historic moment. The more discussion, the better.

And just to start things off on a lighter note:

Study: Most Children Strongly Opposed To Children’s Healthcare

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