Sunday, December 30, 2007

Blog Revival Redux

Welcome to Mod Lang, which has turned out to be a very occasional blog. I've found that I have 1) not a lot of really interesting things to say that others can't say better, and 2) not enough time to say those those things. So my blogging career has been spotty to say the least.

However, it's election season again. And this one promises to be quite interesting. So what the heck, I'll fire this thing up again, try to post some of my (not terribly interesting) observations, and see if anyone wants to play along.

I'll be inviting family and friends to view this blog and share their thoughts. And since those folks represent quite a range of views, I'd encourage everyone to keep in mind that this isn't a typical "liberal" or "conservative" blog, so the views expressed won't automatically echo the political world you may inhabit. I'll encourage posters to remain civil and remember, opinions are like belly buttons. Everybody has one.

As for who this "Izzy" character is, well, I started this blog with the intention of remaining anonymous, because of my job. I'd prefer to stay somewhat anonymous, but I suspect that the readership here will be limited enough that it doesn't really matter if you refer to me by my given name.

Which is, of course, Slartibartfast.

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