Tuesday, November 03, 2009

A (Very) Simple Plan

One of the lessons of health care reform is that fiddling around the edges -- as we have for decades-- has not been effective in addressing the really big problems we face. Dare I suggest that to fix big problems, you need a big bill? Maybe even a thousand pages or more?

"After months of debate within Republican ranks, House Minority Leader John Boehner (R-Ohio) is finally about to release his health care bill, but the outline he gave reporters does little to cover the tens of millions of Americans without health insurance."

Exactly. The Republican "solutions" are like calling the Fire Department when your house is on fire and having them hand you a lawn sprinkler.


Anonymous said...

Lawn sprinkler? That connects to the public water utility - can't use public funds. Here, use this squirtgun. If you start spitting into it now, maybe the house won't be burnt to a crisp.

Anonymous said...

Lawn sprinkler? That connects to the public water utility - can't use public funds. Here, use this squirtgun. If you start spitting into it now, maybe the house won't be burnt to a crisp.