Thursday, July 31, 2008

The Race Card. Really?

“McCain Camp accuses Obama of playing the race card”— AP

Let me get this straight, McCain campaign. You run an ad attacking Obama for being a “celebrity,” and you show pictures of him, Brittney Spears and Paris Hilton in the ad. And then you accuse him of taking the low road? Really?

You put an African American man in an ad with two young white girls, and then you act shocked that someone draws a racial inference? Really? That surprises you? Huh.

When Obama says of himself: “He’s new, he doesn’t look like other presidents on the currency. He’s got a funny name,” you say that he’s playing the race card from the bottom of the deck? Really? That seems out of line to you? Really?

You criticize Obama for not going to Iraq, for not having international experience, and then when he has a successful trip to the Middle East and Europe, you criticize and mock him for doing so? Really? That seem consistent to you? Really?

You say he won’t make time to visit with US troops because he’d rather go the gym, and then the shot of him at the “gym” is actually a shot of him visiting with US troops? Really? That makes sense to you? Seriously?

But my question to you is, really, what happened to John McCain? Really. Is this slimy rope-a-dope, taunt your opponent and then use his mild response to attack him some more really what McCain thinks is going to win the election for him? Really? You think Obama is going to fall for this stuff like Kerry did? Really? Seriously?

You think that being popular, being a “celebrity” is really a bad thing? Really? You sure? ‘Cause it seems like when you’re whining about not getting enough press coverage that you kind of want to be more of a celebrity yourself. Really, it does.

You think the American people are stupid enough to fall for this bullshit again? Really?

(I don’t know if I have a lot of conservative readers, but I’m pretty sure I have some Independent ones. I’d be interested in hearing how they see this tactic that the McCain team has embraced. This stuff working for you?)


The Tall Guy said...

It is only going to get worse. All around. I think that McCain will be very close and maybe even lead into the last 10 days. Then I think the sludge will subside a bit, as the candidates try to accentuate the positive, and people really try to imagine their next President. We'll see what happens then, but I might turn off the TV and stop subscribing to the newspaper until then.

Scott W. said...

You know, I'm a bit more optimistic. Keep in mind I have a long history of being wrong ... but I think McCain is getting a bit of a spanking over this kind of gutter politics.

My favorite info-bytes coming off this is that Paris Hilton's parents are maxed-out contributors to McCain and the video of Brittney saying we should unconditionally support President Bush (which was run side-by-side with footage of McCain saying using almost the same words.)

I think we'll see a bit of a bump for McCain as the "Obama is an elitist/celebrity" boomlet works its way through the public subconcious, and then as Obama continues to campaign and McCain continues to look like a grumpy old man, people will say, oh, come on, this is just the same old crap.

I really do think people are fed up with this type of campaigning. And I think Obama's campaign is going to continue to be more vibrant and positive than McCain's.

I actually think Obama is pretty likely to win this in a landslide when all is said and done.

But as I said, I've been wrong before.