Thursday, June 05, 2008

Pundit Heaven

The announcement that Sen. Hillary Clinton will end her campaign Saturday, along with Sen. Obama's wrapping up the needed delegates for the nomination, has produced a deluge of "how he won"/"how she lost" post mortems.

Two that gave me a lot of good information were Chris Cillizza's blog and Sabato's Crystal Ball blog. The Cillizza [horrible misspelling corrected, sorry!] piece is a good rundown of the strategies and philosophical approach of Obama's campaign, while the Sabato piece (written by Justin Sizemore) is full of crunchy goodness such as charts, graphs and plenty of numbers. Both are good reads and very informative.

There's been some talk in the comments about the likelihood of Obama picking Clinton as a running mate. I would say the chances are extremely slim. Obama just named a three-person team to manage the selection process, which I take as a sign he's going to be very deliberative about this and let the "Dream Ticket" talk die down a bit. Hopefully it will, because it's hard to imagine Sen. Clinton being a good fit. The Clintons of course come as a matched set, and they tend to overshadow anyone else in the room. Obama doesn't need that. I see the appeal of the Obama/Clinton ticket, but I also see the risks, and they really look overwhelming to me. Just my 2¢.

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