Hee. I also considered: "Franken's Time Has Finally Come"
I have been on the record as mostly just wanting this over, and being OK with it if Coleman wins. I'm pleased that Franken looks like the winner,* but displeased that it probably still won't be over for a while.
Norm, take a page from Al ... Al Gore, that is. Concede with grace.
(*officially is the winner according to state officials. Pending lawsuits.)
It'd be nice if this were over and the 111th Congress could get down to business, but, alas, there is probably no end to this circus in sight.
There's also the question of the IL senate seat, with a whole parade of stubborn players.
And then there's the problem of Pelosi sharing power at the top (http://www.nytimes.com/2009/01/05/us/politics/05Pelosi.html?_r=1).
Interestingly, this is all coming together on Tuesday, the exact same day as the release of Ann Coulter's new book, which criticizes the liberal media bias so severely that she's actually been banned from several major networks.
Here's the high point for MN:
With a former governor from WWF and a senator from SNL, MN may actually start to rival CA in the celebrity politician contest.
Ok, here's my lucky guess, er, informed prognostication... this is what I wrote before the election on the Predictions entry:
"Franken squeaks in. MN thinks they are not ready for him, but after a couple of years find out he's a better policy guy than they would have thought."
So, barring anything unusual coming out of the litigation phase of the re-re-count, I think I got the "squeak" part right.
What about part 2: will he actually be a good Senator?
Of course, this one is not over until the last appeal is unheard.
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