Nice to see that Illinois is continuing to distinguish itself in the area of good government, or lack thereof. Rod Blagojevich--say it three times, fast!! And we thought Obama was a funny name.
Well, this confirms that Patrick Fitzgerald, who showed us what a pack of liars Vice President Dick Cheney and his staff were, is nonpartisan and very tough on corrupt politicians. We no doubt will see more "What did Obama know and when did he know it???" breathlessness and guilt-by-association bs, but as the complaint and Fitzpatrick makes clear, Blagojevich was fuming over the Obama camp's lack of corruption.
Still, this is a ugly mess and an embarrassment to Democrats. This guy can't go to jail fast enough.
"Rod Blagojevich--say it three times, fast!!"
Three times? I can't even say it once!
I still can't believe this story. How do people think they can get away with this stuff?
"Arrogant and stupid" is the word from TPM. Still, when you know you're under investigation, it's a bit stunning that he would discuss this stuff so openly.
And everybody's noting how three of the last 8 gov's of Ill have gone to jail. (Jon Stewart last night had some funny lines on this. I won't attempt to repeat them, they're at the ComCent site.) So I guess this kind of thing is not unheard of in Illinois.
Also, the NYT had a good story yesterday on how Obama made some calls to push an ethics bill in Ill this year, and that bill set a Jan. 1 deadline before putting more transparency measures in place. The NYT piece says that Blaggie was scrambling to extort as much as possible before then. What a maroon.
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