Well, I took a couple days off for camping and some family activities. It rained, of course.
But I haven’t gotten back to the World’s Most Dangerous Political Blog™ until just now. What, you don’t like my new slogan?
Seriously, it’s been an interesting few days. We’re seeing the McCain post-convention bump slowly dissipate in the polls. This may or may not continue, but I suspect that Obama will be leading most national polls by this time next week as people realize that John McCain is still at the top of the ticket and Sarah Palin is not the second coming of Reagan.
The financial crisis now gripping Wall Street is a prime opportunity for Obama to seize control of the national debate and show that he is the candidate best suited to deal with domestic issues such as this. The question is, will he? The Obama camp has shown a tendency to play it safe, keep things slow and steady. It’s easy to second-guess that strategy, but it’s been working pretty well for them, the recent setback in the polls notwithstanding. However, I wonder why they’re not grabbing this opportunity.
Maybe there are no quick fixes to the troubled financial sector. Maybe it would be irresponsible to come up with some dramatic plan for change.
All I know is that Obama is hitting McCain hard for saying that the fundamentals of our economy are sound. If they aren’t, what’s Obama’s solution? Can he articulate his vision for change in a way that we, the unwashed masses who don’t understand how Wall Street works, can understand?
He says he’s the real candidate for change. OK, so how do we fix this particular problem?
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