Wednesday, September 03, 2008

Behind the Veil

A conservative friend just emailed me with some fairly boilerplate comments from Peggy Noonan (legendary conservative speechwriter for those of you unfamiliar). In those comments, she says the Left is going to attack Palin for being a strong conservative woman, it will get brutal, they're going to try to "kill her," etc.

The message, much as Fred Thompson (FRED! Good to see you again!) suggested last night, is that the Liberals and the Big Bad Media are in a panic over the virtuousness of Sarah Palin and her cause.


The truth is, this is just a lot of faux outrage. The McCain campaign is desperate. I know I use that word a lot, but time after time, it's the most appropriate for what McCain is doing. They're trying to whip up the conservative base and whatever women they can peel off, and they think they can do it by telling you the Liberal Media is Out To Get Sarah.

But behind the scenes, there's another story. Here's Peggy Noonan caught on an open mic saying "It's over," in reference to the McCain campaign, and calling the Palin-as-victim narrative "political bullshit."

And here's Joe Klein talking about how the McCain campaign is trying to bully the media into going easy on Palin.

Don't fall for the spin.

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