Super Tuesday is upon us, and I am truly grateful. I look forward to much less bitter infighting between the Bernie/Hillary camps on Facebook, for one thing. I guess I should be thankful that in Minnesota, we haven't had to go through the gauntlet that some early primary states have endured. For example, I've seen a total of one Hillary and one Bernie political ad as of today. Oh, and one Ted Cruz! Stand for liberty!!
As for me, I'll be voting for Hillary. I think Bernie has great ideas and great arguments. But his notion of a revolution amongst American voters is simply not realistic. I don't believe the majority of Americans are fully comfortable with the type of changes he's talking about. I think he's less electable than Clinton, for all her baggage. And if he were elected, I don't see any way he'd get his reforms through a Congress that is almost certain to be controlled, at least in the House, by very conservative Republicans.
Revolutions sound great but they're messy in reality, as Markos pointed out today. And those on the left *always* overestimate how much support their heroes have. All those people flocking to Trump are not an optical illusion. There really are a lot of Americans with, shall we say, less-enlightened views of the world. They were not ready for a moderate black president. They are not going to be accepting of a socialist white one.
And speaking of Trump, his revolution is continuing to flabbergast anyone who thought we were better than this. There is a very good chance that he will be trounced in the general. But the fact that he is winning easily among the Republican base is a testament to how base those voters have become, after decades of following false prophets like Limbaugh and Fox News. And it's not just the tea partiers, I'm afraid. There really are voters in this country who are willing to vote for an obvious huckster, just to shake things up. It's incredible.
So let them have their revolution. Hopefully, enough Americans can see through the manufactured discontent to understand that we need to bring down the barricades, not man them. Voting for Trump would make us as great as your average reality TV show. And one of the first things we teach our kids about television is this: what you see there is not how the world really works. Let's all remember that, OK?
As far as predictions, there's no reason to think Trump won't continue to roll on Super Tuesday. Rubio's rather pathetic stab at besting Trump in the sandbox won't help, or at least it won't help much. My question is whether Cruz survives after tomorrow. Where else can he turn to for a victory, after the southern states have mostly voted?
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