Thursday, February 25, 2010

LIve Blogging the Health Care Summit 2

Outlining the problem: families suffering, drain on economy, things are getting worse, hurting businesses, effect on the federal budget (bad), exploding cost of medicare and medicaid...

Personal stories--his kids going to the hospital when they were young, what would've happened if he didn't have reliable health care, his mom's cancer. I think this personal, low key approach is good for setting the tone as not intimidating or confrontational. I guess since his real audience is the country it also is a way to connect with normal folks.

"This became a very partisan battle" um hmmm.

That plant by his head is distracting

Overlap of ideas, areas of agreement


Hope as we discuss each section today, hope to bridge some gaps, don't know if we *can* bridge gaps, but I'd like to make sure this discussion is actually a discussion and not just us trading talking points.

Well, good luck with that

...(it could happen)...

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