Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Thoughts on the Tea Bag Protests

All in all, I would think this is kind of a sad day to be a conservative.

After witnessing this parade of misfits, dimwits, and out-of-the closet racists, if I were a conservative I would be deeply embarrassed by these misguided, incoherent protests.

I actually don’t understand the reasoning here at all. Obama lowered taxes for nearly everyone, including a slew of business taxes, and they are protesting higher taxes?

Obama is trying to keep the country out of another great Depression by stabilizing the banking industry, and they call him a fascist?

Were these people protesting when Bush ran up a trillion dollar deficit? Were they protesting about the expansion of Medicare, or the huge unfunded mandate of No Child Left Behind? Why the sudden outrage? Is it just because Glenn Beck cried and said some crazy stuff? I’m beginning to think so.

One guy today: “He’s a fascist!” “Why?” “He just is!”

Hard to argue with that logic. I guess "Socialist" wasn't working for them.

As many have pointed out, it’s one thing to lose an election. It’s another to use that loss as a reason to talk about fascism, totalitarianism, secession, and hanging liberals.

The election of Barack Obama said a lot about this country. Sadly, these protests do too.

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