Well, the call for predictions didn’t get overwhelming results but two hardy souls ventured their guesses. Sorry I didn’t get these up sooner, full comments can be found at the “Call for Predictions” post.
Eft predicted:
AZ will go red bc nearly every state backs their own. (Except for TN and Gore in 2000.) CO will surprise the pollsters and go red bc they're more conservative than they like to admit.
NV will go blue bc it's a state that doesn't mind taking a gamble and MT will join them just to rebel a bit.
For the toss-ups: FL, MO, and IN will go red. (IN can't change, MO will be close, and FL will vote for the candidate closest to their average age.)
ND, OH, and NC will go blue. (ND will align with the rest of the Upper Midwest, OH will glom along with PA, and NC will tip to Obama...barely.)
The two hottest races in NC are for the governor and the US Senate. It seems it's all about change, so the governor will be McCrory (R) and the US Senator will be Hagen (D). McCrory will unseat the anointed one bc the present D administration is rife with scandal. Dole will be out of the Senate bc of her pandering to the conservative base-they want some changes too.”
Eft gives Franken a thumbs down on taking the Senate seat from Coleman.
The tall guy says:
“Obama 49% McCain 47% with 3% going to libertarians and greens.
Electorial Obama gets about 300.
Congress will increase with some more democrats in the house, I don't think they get to 60 in the senate, but close. Lieberman changes parties anyhow.
Franken squeaks in. MN thinks they are not ready for him, but after a couple of years find out he's a better policy guy than they would have thought. He's not all red meat for the base as everyone believes, and all the old satire that is getting flung back at him is hard to bring back up 6 years later.”
I would agree that if Franken gets in he will probably be a pretty good Senator. Not sure he can do it though. I’m a fan and even I thought twice about voting for him.
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