Tuesday, October 21, 2008

At least they're not trying to divide us

Minnesota 6th District Rep. Michelle Bachmann recently questioned whether Barack Obama and other members of Congress are anti-American.

I think she’s come to regret that.

The comments have created a firestorm nationally and raised a ton of money for her overmatched challenger, El Tinklenberg. I say overmatched because ET (heh) is a good candidate who’s been running hard but has not made a lot of headway in this relatively red district.

Until now.

In Minnesota, Bachmann is generally seen by those on the left as a crazyperson. She’s done and said some goofy things, and her personality and politics just drive some people a little nuts. I get a little tired of the namecalling (moonbat, wingnut) that is common on political blogs. Let’s just say Bachmann is a real character. I will say that she’s been very effective as a politician: she’s articulate, projects a warm if somewhat intense personality, and generally plays to her base very well. Not unlike Gov. Palin.

But like Gov. Palin, she’s going to have a little trouble with this “I’m a better American than you” attitude. This thing that we’re seeing during the current election, the idea that if you’re from a conservative area you’re more patriotic, is actually the opposite of patriotic. I hate to bring up the D word again, but it smacks of desperation. As Jon Stewart pointed out on the Daily Show last night, it was liberal New York City and Washington DC that were attacked by terrorists. So it’s a little galling to hear people suggest that somehow those big East Coast cities are not part of “real America.”

We’re all in this together; we’re all Americans.

True of False?


2fs said...

I realize this blog perhaps isn't the best forum for weighty academic questions, but still I must ask

"El Tinklenberg"?

Scott W. said...

That's Elwyn Tinklenberg to you. Perhaps the most entertaining moniker in politics today.

"With a name like Elwyn Tinklenberg..."

By the way, the press has been brutal for Bachmann, front page stories giving the timeline for statement, denial of statement, equivocation of statement, expression of regret for statement, etc.

It was a spectacularly dumb thing to say. And it's helping El a lot. Not sure whether it will turn this red district blue.

The Tall Guy said...

I used to get upset by some of the things that Michelle Bachmann has done and said, but now I've come to accept that she will be there for a long time. She has one of those unapologetic, completely consistent worldviews. I disagree with everything she says, but it is typically not disguised or wishy-washy. I'm not bothered by her so much any more. It's sort of like Dennis Kuchinich on the left. Liberals love him, he's completely sincere, and he sees UFOs. I think she holds on to her seat, and we'll be listening to her for quite some time.