Monday, August 11, 2008

Turnabout: Fair Play?

Republican candidates in recent years have been pretty straightforward with the equation--A Vote for a Democrat Endangers America. I mean, they don’t always come out and say it just like that. But that’s pretty clearly the message at times. At other times they do come out and say it just like that.

Well, here’s a twist on that approach.

At first, I felt this video could be dismissed as a partisan, one-sided case of fear-mongering. One can make the case that the McCain statements quoted here are just typical Republican tough-guy posturing that’s necessary to win the nomination.

But hold on a minute. Isn’t typical Republican tough-guy posturing kind of the point here? Hasn’t that been, at root, a large part of the problem that has led us to disaster in Iraq and impotence elsewhere?

It ‘s pretty clear that McCain is surrounding himself with Rove and Cheney apostles, who believe that saber-rattlin’ and war-presidentin’ is both good policy AND good politics. A frightening combination, in my opinion.

One thing is beyond doubt: the threat posed by what might happen if someone like Bin Laden somehow someday gets ahold of nuclear materials is drawfed by the threat posed if a nation with thousands of nuclear weapons and high-tech delivery systems is suddenly back in an antagonistic posture with the United States.

And here is McCain, talking very belligerently about Russia. I guess the question that remains is: do you feel lucky, nation?

Well, do ya?

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