Yes, the Supreme Court news is grim. But that is out of our hands, and the focus right now should be on the election, which is still something we can all play a role in. There are solutions to a packed court. The Biden Administration and a Democratic-controlled Congress will be well-positioned to enact those solutions.
In the meantime:
* This academic analysis of the polls reveals important trends: unlike 2016, people are not sitting this one out. And they’re not voting 3rd party. And the people who did those two things in 2016 were, and are, Democratic-leaning voters. They are showing up in droves this year to vote for Biden.
* (From CNN) “Across the country, Black voters are turning out in huge numbers. The stakes this year are especially high, they say, and nothing less than their health and safety is on the ballot.” And you know who they’re voting for at an 80-20 percent margin.
*Don’t worry, Trump’s outreach to African American voters is going great. Or… maybe not.
*Down-ballot races are also looking good for D’s. Also, control of the Senate.
*The R’s who are realizing that Trump is a disaster for our country are doing the right thing and endorsing Biden. There should be more of them—but even a small percentage will be yet another difference-maker.
*The main issue on voters’ minds? COVID-19. And we know how that’s going.
*BTW, Joe told us so. Today, the Trump Administration continues to host super-spreader events. Thanks for infecting people in my in my state, Mr. President. Will you pay for them to get the same treatment you received?
A week to go… don’t forget to vote!